% note make sure to create an output directory % for the parts called 'Klubbjazz-parts' \version "2.24.0" #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) \header { title = "Klubbjazz" composer = "Fredrik Olofsson 1999" tagline = "v2021-11-10" } \paper { evenHeaderMarkup = \markup { \fill-line { \unless \on-first-page \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string \unless \on-first-page \fromproperty #'header:instrument \unless \on-first-page \fromproperty #'header:title } } oddHeaderMarkup = \evenHeaderMarkup markup-system-spacing.padding = 3 ragged-bottom = ##f ragged-last-bottom = ##t } \layout { \accidentalStyle modern-cautionary \context { \Score \numericTimeSignature } } %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- rs = { \once \override Rest.stencil = #ly:percent-repeat-interface::beat-slash \once \override Rest.thickness = #0.48 \once \override Rest.slope = #1.7 \once \override Rest.staff-position = #0 r4 } rsOne = { \rs \rs \rs \rs } rsFour = { \repeat unfold 4 \rsOne } rsEight = { \repeat unfold 8 \rsOne } fall = #(define-event-function () () (define (zigzag-stencil grob) (let* ((sten (bend::print grob)) (xex (ly:stencil-extent sten X)) (yex (ly:stencil-extent sten Y))) (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'style 'zigzag) (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'thickness 1.5) (ly:line-interface::line grob (car xex) (- (cdr yex) 0.5) 3.5 -3))) #{ -\tweak stencil #zigzag-stencil -\bendAfter 0 #} ) pageBreaksIntro = { %Pages s1*21 s1*14 s1*5 \pageBreak } globalIntro = { \key c \major \time 4/4 \tempo 4 = 160 s1*21 \bar "||" s1*14 \bar "||" s1*4 \mark \markup { \small \bold "OPEN - Gitarr solo" } \override Staff.BarLine.break-visibility = ##(#f #t #f) s1 \break } globalBackOne = { \key c \major \set Score.barNumberVisibility = ##f \mark \markup { \box "1" } \tempo 4 = 160 s1*13 \bar ".." \break } globalBackTwo = { \key c \major \set Score.barNumberVisibility = ##f \mark \markup { \box "2" } \tempo 4 = 160 s1*7 \bar ".." \break } globalBackThree = { \key c \major \set Score.barNumberVisibility = ##f \mark \markup { \box "3" } \tempo "Rubato - conducted" s1*3 \bar ".." \break } globalBackFour = { \key c \major \set Score.barNumberVisibility = ##f \mark \markup { \box "4" } \tempo 4 = 160 s1*2 \bar ".." \break } globalEnding = { \key c \major \tempo 4 = 160 \set Score.currentBarNumber = #40 \bar "||" \mark \markup { \small \bold "ON CUE:" } s1*8 \time 3/4 s2. \bar "||" \time 4/4 s1*8 \bar "||" s1*8 \bar "||" s1*12 \bar "||" s1*8 \bar "||" s1*8 \mark \markup { \small \bold "OPEN" } \repeat volta 2 { s1 } \mark \markup { \small \bold "ON CUE:" } s1*8 \bar "||" s1*8 \bar "||" s1*8 \mark \markup { \small \bold "OPEN" } \repeat volta 2 { s1 } \mark \markup { \small \bold "ON CUE:" } s1*8 \bar "|." } %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sopranoNotesIntro = \relative c' { R1*21 | R1*14 | R1*4 } altoNotesIntro = \sopranoNotesIntro tenorOneNotesIntro = \relative c' { R1*21 | R1*4 cis1~->\f 1~\> 1~ 1~ 2\p r R1 1~->\mf 1~\> 1~ 1~ | 2\pp r R1*3 } tenorTwoNotesIntro = \tenorOneNotesIntro baritoneNotesIntro = \relative c { R1*3 r2 a'8\ppp\<\( gis a gis a gis a gis a gis a gis a\mf\> gis a gis a gis a gis a\!\) r r4 r2 R1 r4 a8\ppp\<\( gis a gis a gis a\mf\> gis a gis a gis a gis a gis a gis a gis a\!\) r R1 r2 b8\ppp\<\( a b a b a b a b a b a b\mf\> a b a b a b a b\!\) r r4 r2 R1*5 | R1*14 | R1*4 } trumpetOneNotesIntro = \sopranoNotesIntro trumpetTwoNotesIntro = \relative c' { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "muted trumpet" R1*3 r2 a'8\ppp\<\(^\markup { \halign #0 "harmon" } gis a gis a gis a gis a gis a gis gis\mf\> fis gis fis gis fis gis fis gis\!\) r r4 r2 R1 r4 gis8\ppp\<\( fis gis fis gis fis a\mf\> gis a gis a gis a gis a gis a gis a gis a\!\) r R1 r2 gis8\ppp\<\( fis gis fis gis fis gis fis gis fis gis fis b\mf\> a b a b a b a b\!\) r^"(to open)" r4 r2 R1*5 | R1*14 | R1*4 } trumpetThreeNotesIntro = \relative c' { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "muted trumpet" R1*3 r2 gis'8\ppp\<\(^\markup { \halign #0 "harmon" } fis gis fis gis fis gis fis gis fis gis fis fis\mf\> e fis e fis e fis e fis\!\) r r4 r2 R1 r4 fis8\ppp\<\( e fis e fis e gis\mf\> fis gis fis gis fis gis fis gis fis gis fis gis fis gis\!\) r R1 r2 b8\ppp\<\( a b a b a b a b a b a a\mf\> gis a gis a gis a gis a\!\) r^"(to open)" r4 r2 R1*5 | R1*14 | R1*4 } trumpetFourNotesIntro = \relative c' { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "muted trumpet" R1*3 r2 fis8\ppp\<\(^\markup { \halign #0 "harmon" } e fis e fis e fis e fis e fis e a\mf\> gis a gis a gis a gis a\!\) r r4 r2 R1 r4 a8\ppp\<\( gis a gis a gis fis\mf\> e fis e fis e fis e fis e fis e fis e fis\!\) r R1 r2 a8\ppp\<\( gis a gis a gis a gis a gis a gis gis\mf\> fis gis fis gis fis gis fis gis\!\) r r4 r2 R1*5 | R1*14 | R1*4 } trombonePartsIntroBreak = { %avoids "Improbable offset for stencil" error s1*21 s1*14 \break } tromboneOneNotesIntro = \relative c { R1*21 | cis'1~->\f^\markup { \halign #0 "cup" } 1~\> 1~ 1~ 2\p r R1*3 1~->\mf 1~\> 1~ 1~ 2\pp r^"(to open)" R1 | R1*4 } tromboneTwoNotesIntro = \tromboneOneNotesIntro tromboneThreeNotesIntro = \tromboneOneNotesIntro tromboneFourNotesIntro = \tromboneOneNotesIntro guitarNotesIntro = \relative c' { R1*21 | cis1~\f^\markup { \halign #0 "dist. (w/ feedback)" } 1~ 1~ 1 e'8 dis gis,2.~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 2 e'8 dis gis,4~ 2~ 8 a' gis cis,~ 1 cis,~ 1~ 1~ | 1~ 1~ 2 \rs^"solo ad lib." \rs \rsOne } pianoNotesRHIntro = \relative c' { r2 8 cis'-.-> r4 \repeat unfold 2 { 1~ 2 8 cis'-.-> r4 } \repeat unfold 8 { << { gis4. 8~ 4 4~ } \\ { 1~ } >> << { gis'2 } \\ { 2 } >> 8 cis'-.-> r4 } | r2 8 cis'-.-> r4 \repeat unfold 4 { r2 8 cis'-.-> r4 R1 } R1*5 | \clef bass \stemUp \repeat percent 4 { \repeat unfold 8 { gis,,16 \change Staff = "piLH" a, \change Staff = "piRH" } } } pianoNotesLHIntro = \relative c' { \dynamicUp r2 8\mf r r4 \repeat unfold 2 { 1~ 2 8 r r4 } \repeat unfold 8 { 1~ 2 8 r r4 } | << { s2 s4\f } { r2 8 r r4 } >> \repeat unfold 4 { r2 8 r r4 R1 } R1*5 | \repeat percent 4 { s1\mp_\markup { \musicglyph "pedal.Ped" \italic { "sempre" } } } } bassNotesIntro = \relative c { R1 r2 b'8\mf^\markup { \halign #0 "bandlös" } gis cis, gis'~ \repeat unfold 3 { 1~ 2 a'8 gis fis e~ e fis gis a~ a gis fis cis~ 2 b8 gis cis, gis'~ } 1~ 2 a'8 gis fis e~ e fis gis a~ a gis fis cis~ 1~\> 1 R1\! R1 | << { s4\f } \repeat unfold 2 { a,8 e' b' cis b cis b4~ 2.~ 8 e, a, e' b' cis b2~ 1 } >> \repeat unfold 2 { a,8 e' b' cis b cis b e, } a, e' b' cis b cis b4~ 2.~ 8 e, a, e' b' cis b2~ 1 | a,8 e' b' cis b cis b e, \repeat percent 3 { \rs^"sim. ad lib." \rs \rs \rs } } percNotesIntro = \drummode { \set Staff.drumStyleTable = #congas-style R1 << { s4 s2.^\markup { \halign #0 "congas lo" } s1 s1 s1 s4 s2.^\markup { \halign #0 "congas hi" } } \repeat unfold 2 { r4 cgl2.~:32\ppp\< 1~:32\mf\> 2:32 r\! R1 r4 cgh2.~:32\ppp\< 1~:32\mf\> 2:32 r\! R1 } >> r4 cgh2.~:32\ppp\< 1~:32\mf\> 2:32 r\! 1:32\ppp\< | cgh16\f cgl cgh8 ssh^\markup { \halign #0 "slap" } cgl~ 8 ssh r cgh16 cgl cgh cgl cgh8 ssh cgl r2 \repeat percent 12 { \rs^"sim. ad lib." \rs \rs \rs } | \repeat percent 4 \rsOne } drumNotesIntro = \drummode { R1*3 << { \repeat unfold 2 { r4 cymr2.~:32\ppp\<^\markup { \halign #0 "ride" } 1~:32\mf\> 2:32 r\! R1 r4 cymc2.~:32\ppp\<^\markup { \halign #0 "crash" } 1~:32\mf\> 2:32 r\! R1 } } { s4^\markup { \halign #0.5 "mallets" } } >> R1*2 | << { cymr8^\markup { \halign #0 "ride" }^\markup { \halign #1.5 "sticks" } 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 } \\ { bd8\f 8 sn8. 16~ 16 16 bd8 sn8. 16 } >> << { cymr8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 } \\ { bd8 8 sn8. 16~ 16 16 bd8 r sn } >> \repeat percent 12 { \rs^"sim. ad lib." \rs \rs \rs } | \repeat percent 4 \rsOne } %--------------------Backgrounds sopranoNotesBackOne = \relative c' { R1 b'1~->\mf 2. r4 a1~-> 2. r4 gis1~-> 2. r4 fis1~-> 2. r4 e1~-> 2. r4 dis1~-> 1\fermata } trumpetOneNotesBackOne = \relative c' { dis'1~->\mf 2 cis~-> 1~ 4 r b2~-> 1~ 4 r a2~-> 1~ 4 r gis2~-> 1~ 4 r fis2~-> 1~ 4 r e2~-> 1\fermata } tromboneOneNotesBackOne = \relative c { r2 a''2~->\mf^\markup { \halign #1.5 "open" } 1~ 4 r gis2~-> 1~ 4 r fis2~-> 1~ 4 r e2~-> 1~ 4 r dis2~-> 1~ 4 r cis2~-> 1~ 1\fermata } altoNotesBackTwo = \relative c' { a'8\p\( gis e fis~ 8 dis4.\) e8\( a gis e~ 8 fis4.\) dis8\( e a gis~ 8 e4.\) fis8\( dis e a~ 8 gis4.\) e8\( fis dis e~ 8 a4.\) gis8\( e fis dis~ 8 e4.\) R1 } trumpetTwoNotesBackTwo = \relative c' { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "trumpet" r2 a'8\p\(^\markup { \halign #1.3 "open" } gis e fis~ 8 dis4.\) e8\( a gis e~ 8 fis4.\) dis8\( e a gis~ 8 e4.\) fis8\( dis e a~ 8 gis4.\) e8\( fis dis e~ 8 a4.\) gis8\( e fis dis~ 8 e4.\) r2 } tromboneTwoNotesBackTwo = \relative c { R1 a''8\p\(^\markup { \halign #1.8 "open" } gis e fis~ 8 dis4.\) e8\( a gis e~ 8 fis4.\) dis8\( e a fis~ 8 e4.\) fis8\( dis e a~ a gis4.\) e8\( fis dis e~ 8 a4.\) gis8\( e fis dis~ 8 e4.\) } tenorOneNotesBackThree = \relative c' { fis4\(\mf 4 b,2\) \breathe b4\( 4 fis'2\) \breathe fis4\( 4 b,2\)\fermata } tenorTwoNotesBackThree = \relative c' { e4\(\mf 4 gis,2\) \breathe a4\( 4 e'2\) \breathe e4\( 4 gis,2\)\fermata } trumpetThreeNotesBackThree = \relative c' { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "trumpet" a'4\(\mf^\markup { \halign #1.3 "open" } gis cis,2\) \breathe dis4\( e b'2\) \breathe a4\( gis cis,2\)\fermata } tromboneThreeNotesBackThree = \relative c { b'4\(\mf^\markup { \halign #1.3 "open" } a cis,2\) \breathe e4\( fis cis'2\) \breathe b4\( a cis,2\)\fermata } baritoneNotesBackFour = \relative c { gis'8\(\<\pp fis gis fis gis fis gis fis\) gis->\(\f\> fis gis fis gis fis gis fis\)\pp } trumpetFourNotesBackFour = \relative c' { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "muted trumpet" gis'8\(\<\pp^\markup { \halign #0 "(harmon)" } fis gis fis gis fis gis fis\) gis->\(\f\> fis gis fis gis fis gis fis\)\pp } tromboneFourNotesBackFour = \relative c { gis'8\(\<\pp^\markup { \halign #1.3 "open" } fis gis fis gis fis gis fis\) gis->\(\f\> fis gis fis gis fis gis fis\)\pp } %--------------------Ending chordsEnding = \chordmode { bes1:7 ees:7 b:7 e:7 ees:7 aes:7 e:7 a:7 } sopranoNotesEnding = \relative c' { R1*8 R2. << { s4\f } { \repeat unfold 7 { \tuplet 3/2 { d'8\( b a\) } } e' r } >> \repeat unfold 7 { \tuplet 3/2 { e\( c b\) } } f' r \repeat unfold 7 { \tuplet 3/2 { f\( d c\) } } fis r \repeat unfold 8 { \tuplet 3/2 { fis\( d c\) } } \tuplet 3/2 { g'\( e d\) } \tuplet 3/2 { g\( e d\)\fall } r2 R1*7 R1*12 R1*8 R1*8 R1 R1*8 R1*8 R1*8 R1 << { s4\f } { \repeat unfold 7 { \tuplet 3/2 { d8\( bes aes\) } } ees' r } >> \repeat unfold 7 { \tuplet 3/2 { dis\( cis b\) } } e r \repeat unfold 5 { \tuplet 3/2 { f\( des c\) } } \repeat unfold 2 { \tuplet 3/2 { ges'\( des c\) } } ges' r \repeat unfold 7 { \tuplet 3/2 { fis\( d cis\) } } f4-.-> } altoChordsEnding = \chordmode { s1*8 s2. s1*8 s1*2 s2 b2:7 e1:7 ees:7 aes:7 e:7 a:7 \chordsEnding s1*4 \chordsEnding \chordsEnding s1 s1*8 \chordsEnding \chordsEnding s1 bes1:7 ees:7 b:7 e:7 ees:7 aes:7 e:7 a2.:7 bes4:7 } altoNotesEnding = \relative c' { R1*8 R2. R1*8 \improvisationOn << { s4^\markup { "solo ad lib." } } { \repeat unfold 10 { g''16\( e d\) } g8~ } >> 2 \rs \rs \repeat unfold 5 \rsOne \rsEight \repeat percent 4 { \rs^"freely" \rs \rs \rs } \rsEight \rsEight \rs^"freely" \rs \rs \rs \repeat percent 8 \rsOne \rsEight \repeat unfold 7 \rsOne \rs \rs \rs b,8->^\markup { \halign #0 "end solo" } b R1 \rs^"solo ad lib." \rs \rs \rs \rsFour \rsOne \rsOne \rs \rs \rs b4-.-> } tenorOneNotesEnding = \transpose c c, { \sopranoNotesEnding } tenorTwoNotesEnding = \transpose c c, { \sopranoNotesEnding } baritoneNotesEnding = \relative c { << { s4\ff } \repeat unfold 16 { f,8-> gis-. r4 } >> f8-> gis-. a4 ais-- << { s4\f } \repeat unfold 3 { b8-> b b d r d4-. f8 r f, gis16-> f8. gis4-- a-- } >> R1*2 bes8->\f 8 r4 r2 R1*7 R1*12 r8 bes->\f r4 r2 r8 ees,-> r4 r2 R1 r2 r8 e-> r4 R1*4 R1*8 R1 R1*8 bes'8->\f 8 r4 r2 r8 ees,-> r4 r2 R1 r2 r8 e-> r4 ees8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 aes-> r4 r2 R1 r2 r8 a-> r4 bes8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 ees,-> r4 r2 b'8-> 8 r4 r2 e,8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 ees-> r4 r8 ees-> r4 aes8-> 8 r4 r2 R1 r2 r4 a8-> 8 R1 bes8->\f 8 r4 r2 r8 ees,-> r4 r2 b'8-> 8 r4 r2 e,8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 ees8-> r4 r8 8-> r4 aes8-> 8 r4 r2 R1 r2 r4 bes-.-> } trumpetOneNotesEnding = \relative c' { << { s4\ff } \repeat unfold 2 { g''4-> r r2 r8 fis-- g4-> r2 r4 r8 g-> r2 r4 r8 g-> r2 } >> r2 a4-- bes8-> 8 r4 r2 r2 r4 bes---> R1 r2 r8 a bes4---> R1 r2 r4 bes8-> 8 R1*2 c2->\f\fall r R1*7 R1*12 r8 aes->\f r4 r2 r8 g-> r4 r2 R1 r2 r8 gis-> r4 R1*4 R1*8 R1 R1*8 aes8->\f 8 r4 r2 r8 g-> r4 r2 R1 r2 r8 gis-> r4 g8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 ges-> r4 r2 R1 r2 r8 g-> r4 aes8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 g-> r4 r2 fis8-> 8 r4 r2 fis8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 g-> r4 r8 g-> r4 ges8-> 8 r4 r2 R1 r2 r4 g8-> 8 R1 aes8->\f 8 r4 r2 r8 g-> r4 r2 fis8-> 8 r4 r2 fis8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 g-> r4 r8 g-> r4 ges8-> 8 r4 r2 R1 r2 r4 aes-.-> } trumpetTwoNotesEnding = \relative c' { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "trumpet" << { s4\ff } \repeat unfold 2 { e'4-> r r2 r8 dis-- e4-> r2 r4 r8 e-> r2 r4 r8 e-> r2 } >> r2 fis4-- g8-> 8 r4 r2 r2 r4 g---> R1 r2 r8 fis g4---> R1 r2 r4 g8-> 8 R1*2 aes2->\f\fall r R1*7 R1*12 r8 f->\f r4 r2 r8 f-> r4 r2 R1 r2 r8 fis-> r4 R1*4 R1*8 R1 R1*8 f8->\f 8 r4 r2 r8 f-> r4 r2 R1 r2 r8 fis-> r4 f8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 f-> r4 r2 R1 r2 r8 fis-> r4 f8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 f-> r4 r2 dis8-> 8 r4 r2 d8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 f-> r4 r8 f-> r4 f8-> 8 r4 r2 R1 r2 r4 fis8-> 8 R1 f8->\f 8 r4 r2 r8 f-> r4 r2 fis8-> 8 r4 r2 d8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 f-> r4 r8 f-> r4 f8-> 8 r4 r2 R1 r2 r4 g-.-> } trumpetThreeNotesEnding = \relative c' { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "trumpet" << { s4\ff } \repeat unfold 2 { des'4-> r r2 r8 c-- des4-> r2 r4 r8 des-> r2 r4 r8 des-> r2 } >> r2 dis4-- e8-> 8 r4 r2 r2 r4 e---> R1 r2 r8 dis e4---> R1 r2 r4 e8-> 8 R1*2 f2->\f\fall r R1*7 R1*12 r8 d->\f r4 r2 r8 des-> r4 r2 R1 r2 r8 d-> r4 R1*4 R1*8 R1 R1*8 d8->\f 8 r4 r2 r8 des-> r4 r2 R1 r2 r8 d-> r4 des8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 c-> r4 r2 R1 r2 r8 cis-> r4 d8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 des-> r4 r2 cis8-> 8 r4 r2 cis8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 des-> r4 r8 des-> r4 c8-> 8 r4 r2 R1 r2 r4 cis8-> 8 R1 d8->\f 8 r4 r2 r8 des-> r4 r2 cis8-> 8 r4 r2 cis8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 des-> r4 r8 des-> r4 c8-> 8 r4 r2 R1 r2 r4 d-.-> } trumpetFourNotesEnding = \relative c' { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "trumpet" << { s4\ff^\markup { \halign #1.3 "open" } } \repeat unfold 2 { bes'4-> r r2 r8 a-- bes4-> r2 r4 r8 bes-> r2 r4 r8 bes-> r2 } >> r2 c4-- des8-> 8 r4 r2 r2 r4 des---> R1 r2 r8 c des4---> R1 r2 r4 des8-> 8 R1*2 d2->\f\fall r R1*7 R1*12 r8 c->\f r4 r2 r8 c-> r4 r2 R1 r2 r8 cis-> r4 R1*4 R1*8 R1 R1*8 c8->\f 8 r4 r2 r8 c-> r4 r2 R1 r2 r8 cis-> r4 c8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 bes-> r4 r2 R1 r2 r8 b-> r4 c8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 c-> r4 r2 a8-> 8 r4 r2 gis8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 c-> r4 r8 c-> r4 bes8-> 8 r4 r2 R1 r2 r4 b8-> 8 R1 c8->\f 8 r4 r2 r8 c-> r4 r2 a8-> 8 r4 r2 gis8-> 8 r4 r2 r8 c-> r4 r8 c-> r4 bes8-> 8 r4 r2 R1 r2 r4 c-.-> } tromboneOneNotesEnding = \relative c { << { s4\ff } \repeat unfold 2 { f'4-> r r2 r8 e-- f4-> r2 r4 r8 f-> r2 r4 r8 f-> r2 } >> r2 e4-- f8-> 8 r4 r2 r2 g4 g---> R1 r2 r8 e f4---> R1 r2 g4 8-> 8 R1*2 aes2->\f\fall r2 R1*7 R1*12 f4.\f e8~\> 4 ees~ 8 d4. des c8~ 4 b2.~ 2~ 8\p fis'->\f r4 bes,4.\pp b8~\< 4 c~ 8 des4. d4--\! r8 b~\< 4 c~ 8 cis4. d dis8~ 4 e-.\! f2.~\f 8 bes,~-> 2. r4 fis8( b)-. b( fis~ 2) gis8( cis)-. cis( gis~ 4) cis-. bes4.\pp b8~\< 4 c~ 8 cis4. d dis8~ 4 e~ 8 f4. fis g8~\! 4 r R1 f1~->\ff\> 2. r4\! f1~->\f\> 2. r4\! f1~->\mf\> 2. r4\! f1~->\mp\> 2. r4\! r4 f8\f 8 aes f aes bes~-> 2~ 4. b8~-> 1~ 8 r r4 r2 r4 f8 8 g f g ees~-> 2. e4~-> 4. dis8~ 4. cis8~ 2.~ 8 r r4 f8 8 aes f e ees~-> 4. des8~-> 2~ 1~ 8 r r4 r2 r4 f8 8 g f g ees~-> 2. e4~-> 4. dis8~ 4. cis8~ 2. cis8-> 8 R1 r4 f8\f 8 aes f aes bes~-> 2~ 4. b8~-> 1~ 8 r r4 r2 r4 f8 8 g f g ees~-> 2. e4~-> 4. dis8~ 4. cis8~ 2. d4-.-> } tromboneTwoNotesEnding = \relative c { << { s4\ff } \repeat unfold 2 { d'4-> r r2 r8 cis-- d4-> r2 r4 r8 d-> r2 r4 r8 d-> r2 } >> r2 cis4-- d8-> 8 r4 r2 r4 d~ d d---> R1 r2 r8 cis d4---> R1 r4 d~ d d8-> 8 R1*2 d2->\f\fall r2 R1*7 R1*12 f4.\f e8~\> 4 ees~ 8 d4. des c8~ 4 b2.~ 2~ 8\p b->\f r4 bes4.\pp b8~\< 4 c~ 8 des4. d4--\! r8 b~\< 4 c~ 8 cis4. d dis8~ 4 e-.\! f2.~\f 8 bes,~-> 2. r4 fis8( b)-. b( fis~ 2) gis8( cis)-. cis( gis~ 4) cis-. bes4.\pp b8~\< 4 c~ 8 cis4. d dis8~ 4 e~ 8 f4. fis g8~\! 4 r R1 f1~->\ff\> 2. r4\! f1~->\f\> 2. r4\! f1~->\mf\> 2. r4\! f1~->\mp\> 2. r4\! r4 f8\f 8 aes f aes f~-> 2~ 4. fis8~-> 1~ 8 r r4 r2 r4 f8 8 g f g bes,~-> 2. b4~-> 4. 8~ 4. 8~ 2.~ 8 r r4 f'8 8 aes f e bes~-> 4. aes8~-> 2~ 1~ 8 r r4 r2 r4 f'8 8 g f g bes,~-> 2. b4~-> 4. g8~ 4. b8~ 2. b8-> 8 R1 r4 f'8\f 8 aes f aes f~-> 2~ 4. fis8~-> 1~ 8 r r4 r2 r4 f8 8 g f g bes,~-> 2. b4~-> 4. 8~ 4. 8~ 2. c4-.-> } tromboneThreeNotesEnding = \relative c { << { s4\ff } \repeat unfold 2 { b'4-> r r2 r8 ais-- b4-> r2 r4 r8 b-> r2 r4 r8 b-> r2 } >> r2 ais4-- b8-> 8 r4 r2 gis2. 4---> R1 r2 r8 ais b4---> R1 gis2. 8-> 8 R1*2 f2->\f\fall r2 R1*7 R1*12 f4.\f fis8~\> 4 g~ 8 aes4. a bes8~ 4 b2.~ 2~ 8\p gis->\f r4 bes4.\pp a8~\< 4 aes~ 8 g4. ges4--\! r8 b~\< 4 bes~ 8 a4. gis g8~ 4 fis-.\! f2.~\f 8 bes~-> 2. r4 fis8( b)-. b( fis~ 2) gis8( cis)-. cis( gis~ 4) cis-. bes4.\pp a8~\< 4 aes~ 8 g4. ges f8~ 4 e~ 8 dis4. d cis8~\! 4 r R1 f1~->\ff\> 2. r4\! f1~->\f\> 2. r4\! f1~->\mf\> 2. r4\! f1~->\mp\> 2. r4\! r4 f8\f 8 aes f aes c~-> 2~ 4. cis8~-> 1~ 8 r r4 r2 r4 f,8 8 g f g aes~-> 2. fis4~-> 4. g8~ 4. 8~ 2.~ 8 r r4 f8 8 aes f e f~-> 4. ees8~-> 2~ 1~ 8 r r4 r2 r4 f8 8 g f g aes~-> 2. fis4~-> 4. g8~ 4. 8~ 2. 8-> 8 R1 r4 f8\f 8 aes f aes c~-> 2~ 4. cis8~-> 1~ 8 r r4 r2 r4 f,8 8 g f g aes~-> 2. fis4~-> 4. g8~ 4. 8~ 2. aes4-.-> } tromboneFourNotesEnding = \relative c { << { s4\ff } \repeat unfold 2 { g'4-> r r2 r8 fis-- g4-> r2 r4 r8 g-> r2 r4 r8 g-> r2 } >> r2 fis4-- g8-> 8 r4 r2 e2. 4---> R1 r2 r8 fis g4---> R1 e2. 8-> 8 R1*2 bes2->\f\fall r2 R1*7 R1*12 f'4.\f fis8~\> 4 g~ 8 aes4. a bes8~ 4 b2.~ 2~ 8\p d,->\f r4 bes'4.\pp a8~\< 4 aes~ 8 g4. ges4--\! r8 b~\< 4 bes~ 8 a4. gis g8~ 4 fis-.\! f2.~\f 8 bes~-> 2. r4 fis8( b)-. b( fis~ 2) gis8( cis)-. cis( gis~ 4) cis-. bes4.\pp a8~\< 4 aes~ 8 g4. ges f8~ 4 e~ 8 dis4. d cis8~\! 4 r R1 f1~->\ff\> 2. r4\! f1~->\f\> 2. r4\! f1~->\mf\> 2. r4\! f1~->\mp\> 2. r4\! r4 f8\f 8 aes f aes g~-> 2~ 4. gis8~-> 1~ 8 r r4 r2 r4 f8 8 g f g f~-> 2. d4~-> 4. dis8~ 4. e8~ 2.~ 8 r r4 f8 8 aes f e c~-> 4. bes8~-> 2 a1~ 8 r r4 r2 r4 f'8 8 g f g f~-> 2. d4~-> 4. dis8~ 4. e8~ 2. a,8-> 8 R1 r4 f'8\f 8 aes f aes g~-> 2~ 4. gis8~-> 1~ 8 r r4 r2 r4 f8 8 g f g f~-> 2. d4~-> 4. dis8~ 4. e8~ 2. f4-.-> } guitarNotesEnding = \relative c' { a''1~ ^\markup { \halign #1 "end solo" } ^\markup { \halign #-1.5 "feedback" } 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 2.~ 1~ 2.~\> 8\! r R1*6 R1*8 R1*12 R1*8 R1*8 R1 R1*8 R1*8 R1*8 R1 a1~\mf^\markup { \halign #0 "feedback" } 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 2. bes4-.-> } pianoChordsEnding = \chordmode { s1*8 s2. s1*8 \chordsEnding \chordsEnding s1*4 \chordsEnding \chordsEnding s1 s1*8 \chordsEnding \chordsEnding s1 bes1:7 ees:7 b:7 e:7 ees:7 aes:7 e:7 a2.:7 bes4:7 } pianoNotesRHEnding = \relative c' { \clef bass \repeat unfold 16 { f,8-> gis-. r4 } f8-> gis-. a4-- ais-- \clef treble \repeat unfold 3 { b8-> b b d r d4-. f8 r f gis16-> f8. gis4-- a-- } R1*2 \improvisationOn s1^"comp." s1*7 s1*7 s4 s4 s4 s4^"(-1) sub." R1*4 s1*8 s1*7 s4 s4 s4 s4^"(-1) sub." R1 R1*8 s1*8 s1*8 R1 s1*8 } pianoNotesLHEnding = \relative c' { \dynamicUp << { s4\ff } \repeat unfold 16 { f,,8-> gis-. r4 } >> f8-> gis-. a4-- ais-- << { s4\f } \repeat unfold 3 { b8-> b b d r d4-. f8 r f gis16-> f8. gis4-- a-- } >> R1*2 \improvisationOn \rsEight \rsEight R1*4 \rsEight \rsEight R1 R1*8 \rsEight \rsFour \rsOne \rsOne \rsOne \rs \rs \rs d,8-> 8 R1 \rsFour \rsOne \rsOne \rsOne \rs \rs \rs d4-.-> } bassChordsEnding = \chordmode { s1*8 s2. s1*8 \chordsEnding \chordsEnding s1*4 \chordsEnding \chordsEnding s1 s1*8 \chordsEnding \chordsEnding s1 \chordsEnding } bassNotesEnding = \relative c { << { s4\ff } \repeat unfold 2 { f4-> r r2 r8 e-- f4-> r2 r4 r8 f-> r2 r4 r8 f-> r2 } >> gis,4\mf\< a ais4-- << { s4\f } \repeat unfold 3 { b8-> b b d r d4-. f8 r f gis16-> f8. gis4-- a-- } >> R1*2 bes,8-> bes bes d r d4-. ees8 r ees g4 bes des \rs^"sim. ad lib." \rs \rs \rs \rsFour \rsOne \rsFour \rsOne \rsOne \rsOne \rs \rs \rs \rs^"(-1) sub." R1*4 \rsEight \rsFour \rsOne \rsOne \rsOne \rs \rs \rs \rs^"(-1) sub." R1 R1*8 \rsEight \rsFour \rsOne \rsOne \rsOne \rs \rs \rs a,8-> 8 R1 \rsFour \rsOne \rsOne \rsOne \rs \rs \rs bes4-.-> } percNotesEnding = \drummode { \set Staff.drumStyleTable = #congas-style << { s4\ff s2. s1 s1 s2. s8 s8^"(to sticks)" } \repeat unfold 16 { 8 cgl } >> R1*4 R2. \set Staff.drumStyleTable = #drums-style \stemDown \once \override DynamicText.X-offset = #-2 4\f ^\markup { \halign #1.5 "sticks" } ^\markup { \halign #0 "tambourine" } ^\markup { \halign #0 "crash" } \once \override TextScript.outside-staff-priority = #400 8^\markup { \halign #0 "cowbell" } r 4 r 8 r 4 r 8 4 8 4 r 8 r 4 r 8 r 4 r2 R1 cymr8->^\markup { \halign #0 "ride" } 8 cymr8 8 8 q cymr cymr cymr \grace tomfh tomml q cymr cymr q cymr \repeat percent 6 { \rs^"sim. ad lib." \rs \rs \rs } \repeat percent 8 { \rsOne } \repeat unfold 4 { r4 \grace tomfh8 tomml q r4 q4 } cymr8^\markup { \halign #0 "ride" } cymr cymr cymr cymr q cymr cymr cymr \grace tomfh tomml q cymr cymr q cymr \repeat percent 6 { \rs^"sim. ad lib." \rs \rs \rs } \repeat percent 8 { \rsOne } r4 \grace tomfh8 tomml q r4 q4 \once \override DynamicText.X-offset = #-2 4\f ^\markup { \halign #0 "crash" } 8 r 4 r 8 r 4 r 8 4 8 4 r 8 r 4 r 8 r 4 r 8 r 4 r cymr8->^\markup { \halign #0 "ride" } 8 cymr8 8 8 q cymr cymr cymr \grace tomfh tomml q cymr cymr q cymr \repeat percent 6 { \rs^"sim. ad lib." \rs \rs \rs } \improvisationOn \repeat percent 7 { \rsOne } \rs \rs \rs tomml8-> 8 \improvisationOff R1 cymr8->^\markup { \halign #0 "ride" } 8 cymr8 8 8 q cymr cymr cymr \grace tomfh tomml q cymr cymr q cymr \improvisationOn \repeat percent 5 { \rs^"sim. ad lib." \rs \rs \rs } \rs \rs \rs tomml4-.-> } drumCuesEnding = \new CueVoice \with { \override NoteHead.style = #'slash \override NoteHead.Y-offset = #2.5 \override Rest.Y-offset = #2.5 } { \voiceOne 4^> s2. r8 8^- 4^> s2 r4 r8 8^> s2 r4 r8 8^> s2 s1*4 s2. s1*8 4^> s2. s1*7 s1*12 r8 8^> s2. r8 8^> s2. s1 r2 r8 8^> r4 s1*4 s1*8 s1 \repeat unfold 4 { 4^>\laissezVibrer s2. s1 } \repeat unfold 2 { 8^> 8 s2. r8 8^> s2. s1 r2 r8 8^> r4 } 8^> 8 s2. r8 8^> s2. 8^> 8 s2. 8^> 8 s2. r8 8^> r4 r8 8^> r4 8^> 8 s2. s1 r2 r4 8^> 8 s1 8^> 8 s2. r8 8^> s2. 8^> 8 s2. 8^> 8 s2. r8 8^> r4 r8 8^> r4 8^> 8 s2. s1 s1 } drumNotesEnding = \drummode { \voiceTwo \override MultiMeasureRest.Y-offset = #0 \rs\ff \rs \rs \rs \rsOne \rsOne \rs \rs \rs \rs^"(-1) sub." R1*4 R2. \repeat percent 8 { \rs\f \rs \rs \rs } \repeat percent 8 { \rsOne } \repeat percent 12 { \rsOne } \rsOne \rsOne \rsOne \repeat percent 5 { \rsOne } \repeat percent 8 { \rsOne } \rsOne \rsEight \rsEight \rsEight \improvisationOn \rs^"solo ad lib." \rs \rs \rs \rsFour \rsOne \rsOne \rsOne \rs \rs \rs 4^.^> } %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #(set-global-staff-size 16) \book { \header { instrument = "C-score" } %--------------------Intro \score { << \new Staff \with { \RemoveAllEmptyStaves } << \pageBreaksIntro >> \new StaffGroup = "saxophones" << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Soprano" shortInstrumentName = "Ss" midiInstrument = "soprano sax" } << \globalIntro \sopranoNotesIntro >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Alto" shortInstrumentName = "As." midiInstrument = "alto sax" } << \globalIntro \altoNotesIntro >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Tenor 1" shortInstrumentName = "Ts.1" midiInstrument = "tenor sax" } << \globalIntro \tenorOneNotesIntro >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Tenor 2" shortInstrumentName = "Ts.2" midiInstrument = "tenor sax" } << \globalIntro \tenorTwoNotesIntro >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Baritone" shortInstrumentName = "Bs." midiInstrument = "baritone sax" } << \globalIntro \clef bass \baritoneNotesIntro >> >> \new StaffGroup = "trumpets" << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trumpet 1" shortInstrumentName = "Tp.1" midiInstrument = "trumpet" } << \globalIntro \trumpetOneNotesIntro >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trumpet 2" shortInstrumentName = "Tp.2" midiInstrument = "trumpet" } << \globalIntro \trumpetTwoNotesIntro >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trumpet 3" shortInstrumentName = "Tp.3" midiInstrument = "trumpet" } << \globalIntro \trumpetThreeNotesIntro >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trumpet 4" shortInstrumentName = "Tp.4" midiInstrument = "trumpet" } << \globalIntro \trumpetFourNotesIntro >> >> \new StaffGroup = "trombones" << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trombone 1" shortInstrumentName = "Tb.1" midiInstrument = "trombone" } << \globalIntro \clef bass \tromboneOneNotesIntro >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trombone 2" shortInstrumentName = "Tb.2" midiInstrument = "trombone" } << \globalIntro \clef bass \tromboneTwoNotesIntro >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trombone 3" shortInstrumentName = "Tb.3" midiInstrument = "trombone" } << \globalIntro \clef bass \tromboneThreeNotesIntro >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trombone 4" shortInstrumentName = "Tb.4" midiInstrument = "trombone" } << \globalIntro \clef bass \tromboneFourNotesIntro >> >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Guitar" shortInstrumentName = "Gt." midiInstrument = "distorted guitar" } << \globalIntro \clef "treble_8" \guitarNotesIntro >> \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Piano" shortInstrumentName = "Pi." midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" midiMaximumVolume = #0.5 } << \new Staff = "piRH" << \globalIntro \pianoNotesRHIntro >> \new Staff = "piLH" << \globalIntro \clef bass \pianoNotesLHIntro >> >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Bass" shortInstrumentName = "Bas." midiInstrument = "fretless bass" } << \globalIntro \clef bass \bassNotesIntro >> \new DrumStaff \with { instrumentName = "Percussion" shortInstrumentName = "Perc." } << \globalIntro \percNotesIntro >> \new DrumStaff \with { instrumentName = "Drums" shortInstrumentName = "Dr." } << \globalIntro \drumNotesIntro >> >> } %--------------------Backgrounds \markup { \column { \null \fill-line { \fontsize #3 \bold "BAKGRUNDER" } \fill-line { "till gitarrsolo - kombineras fritt (on cue)" } } } \score { \new StaffGroup = "one" << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Soprano" shortInstrumentName = "Ss" midiInstrument = "soprano sax" } << \globalBackOne \sopranoNotesBackOne >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trumpet 1" shortInstrumentName = "Tp.1" midiInstrument = "trumpet" } << \globalBackOne \trumpetOneNotesBackOne >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trombone 1" shortInstrumentName = "Tb.1" midiInstrument = "trombone" } << \globalBackOne \clef bass \tromboneOneNotesBackOne >> >> } \score { \new StaffGroup = "two" << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Alto" shortInstrumentName = "As." midiInstrument = "alto sax" } << \globalBackTwo \altoNotesBackTwo >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trumpet 2" shortInstrumentName = "Tp.2" midiInstrument = "trumpet" } << \globalBackTwo \trumpetTwoNotesBackTwo >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trombone 2" shortInstrumentName = "Tb.2" midiInstrument = "trombone" } << \globalBackTwo \clef bass \tromboneTwoNotesBackTwo >> >> } \score { \new StaffGroup = "three" << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Tenor 1" shortInstrumentName = "Ts.1" midiInstrument = "tenor sax" } << \globalBackThree \tenorOneNotesBackThree >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Tenor 2" shortInstrumentName = "Ts.2" midiInstrument = "tenor sax" } << \globalBackThree \tenorTwoNotesBackThree >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trumpet 3" shortInstrumentName = "Tp.3" midiInstrument = "trumpet" } << \globalBackThree \trumpetThreeNotesBackThree >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trombone 3" shortInstrumentName = "Tb.3" midiInstrument = "trombone" } << \globalBackThree \clef bass \tromboneThreeNotesBackThree >> >> } \score { \new StaffGroup = "four" << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Baritone" shortInstrumentName = "Bs." midiInstrument = "baritone sax" } << \globalBackFour \clef bass \baritoneNotesBackFour >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trumpet 4" shortInstrumentName = "Tp.4" midiInstrument = "trumpet" } << \globalBackFour \trumpetFourNotesBackFour >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trombone 4" shortInstrumentName = "Tb.4" midiInstrument = "trombone" } << \globalBackFour \clef bass \tromboneFourNotesBackFour >> >> } %--------------------Ending \score { << \new StaffGroup = "saxophones" << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Soprano" shortInstrumentName = "Ss" midiInstrument = "soprano sax" } << \globalEnding \sopranoNotesEnding >> << \new ChordNames { \altoChordsEnding } \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Alto" shortInstrumentName = "As." midiInstrument = "alto sax" } << \globalEnding \altoNotesEnding >> >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Tenor 1" shortInstrumentName = "Ts.1" midiInstrument = "tenor sax" } << \globalEnding \tenorOneNotesEnding >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Tenor 2" shortInstrumentName = "Ts.2" midiInstrument = "tenor sax" } << \globalEnding \tenorTwoNotesEnding >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Baritone" shortInstrumentName = "Bs." midiInstrument = "baritone sax" } << \globalEnding \clef bass \baritoneNotesEnding >> >> \new StaffGroup = "trumpets" << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trumpet 1" shortInstrumentName = "Tp.1" midiInstrument = "trumpet" } << \globalEnding \trumpetOneNotesEnding >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trumpet 2" shortInstrumentName = "Tp.2" midiInstrument = "trumpet" } << \globalEnding \trumpetTwoNotesEnding >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trumpet 3" shortInstrumentName = "Tp.3" midiInstrument = "trumpet" } << \globalEnding \trumpetThreeNotesEnding >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trumpet 4" shortInstrumentName = "Tp.4" midiInstrument = "trumpet" } << \globalEnding \trumpetFourNotesEnding >> >> \new StaffGroup = "trombones" << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trombone 1" shortInstrumentName = "Tb.1" midiInstrument = "trombone" } << \globalEnding \clef bass \tromboneOneNotesEnding >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trombone 2" shortInstrumentName = "Tb.2" midiInstrument = "trombone" } << \globalEnding \clef bass \tromboneTwoNotesEnding >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trombone 3" shortInstrumentName = "Tb.3" midiInstrument = "trombone" } << \globalEnding \clef bass \tromboneThreeNotesEnding >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Trombone 4" shortInstrumentName = "Tb.4" midiInstrument = "trombone" } << \globalEnding \clef bass \tromboneFourNotesEnding >> >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Guitar" shortInstrumentName = "Gt." midiInstrument = "distorted guitar" } << \globalEnding \clef "treble_8" \guitarNotesEnding >> \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Piano" shortInstrumentName = "Pi." midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" midiMaximumVolume = #0.5 } << \new Staff = "piRH" << \globalEnding \pianoNotesRHEnding >> \new ChordNames { \pianoChordsEnding } \new Staff = "piLH" << \globalEnding \clef bass \pianoNotesLHEnding >> >> << \new ChordNames { \bassChordsEnding } \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Bass" shortInstrumentName = "Bas." midiInstrument = "fretless bass" } << \globalEnding \clef bass \bassNotesEnding >> >> \new DrumStaff \with { instrumentName = "Percussion" shortInstrumentName = "Perc." } << \globalEnding \percNotesEnding >> \new DrumStaff \with { instrumentName = "Drums" shortInstrumentName = "Dr." } << \globalEnding << \drumCuesEnding \\ \drumNotesEnding >> >> >> \layout { \context { \Score \override MetronomeMark.self-alignment-X = #-1.2 } } \midi { \context { \Score midiChannelMapping = #'instrument } } } } %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #(set-global-staff-size 22) \paper { ragged-last = ##t } \layout { \context { \Score \override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1/16) skipBars = ##t \override MetronomeMark.self-alignment-X = #-0.8 } } mbak = \markup { \column { \null \fill-line { \fontsize #3 \bold "BAKGRUNDER" } \fill-line { "till gitarrsolo (on cue)" } } } mnil = \markup { \column { \null } } \bookOutputName "./Klubbjazz-parts/Klubbjazz" \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Soprano" \header { instrument = \markup { "Soprano Sax in B" \smaller \flat } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Ss." } \transpose bes c' << \transposition bes \globalIntro \sopranoNotesIntro >> } \mbak \score { \new Staff \transpose bes c' << \transposition bes \globalBackOne \sopranoNotesBackOne >> \layout { indent = #0 } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \transpose bes c' << \transposition bes \globalEnding \sopranoNotesEnding >> \layout { indent = #0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Alto" \header { instrument = \markup { "Alto Sax in E" \smaller \flat } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "As." } \transpose ees c' << \transposition ees \globalIntro \altoNotesIntro >> } \mbak \score { \new Staff \transpose ees c' << \transposition ees \globalBackTwo \altoNotesBackTwo >> \layout { indent = #0 } } \mnil \score { << \new ChordNames \transpose ees c' { \transposition ees \altoChordsEnding } \new Staff \transpose ees c' << \transposition ees \globalEnding \transpose c' ees \altoNotesEnding >> >> \layout { indent = #0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Tenor1" \header { instrument = \markup { "Tenor Sax 1 in B" \smaller \flat } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Ts.1" } \transpose bes c'' << \transposition bes, \globalIntro \tenorOneNotesIntro >> } \mbak \score { \new Staff \transpose bes c'' << \transposition bes, \globalBackThree \tenorOneNotesBackThree >> \layout { indent = #0 } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \transpose bes c'' << \transposition bes, \globalEnding \tenorOneNotesEnding >> \layout { indent = #0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Tenor2" \header { instrument = \markup { "Tenor Sax 2 in B" \smaller \flat } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Ts.2" } \transpose bes c'' << \transposition bes, \globalIntro \tenorTwoNotesIntro >> } \mbak \score { \new Staff \transpose bes c'' << \transposition bes, \globalBackThree \tenorTwoNotesBackThree >> \layout { indent = #0 } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \transpose bes c'' << \transposition bes, \globalEnding \tenorTwoNotesEnding >> \layout { indent = #0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Baritone" \header { instrument = \markup { "Baritone Sax in E" \smaller \flat } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Bs." } \transpose ees c'' << \transposition ees, \globalIntro \baritoneNotesIntro >> } \mbak \score { \new Staff \transpose ees c'' << \transposition ees, \globalBackFour \baritoneNotesBackFour >> \layout { indent = #0 } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \transpose ees c'' << \transposition ees, \globalEnding \baritoneNotesEnding >> \layout { indent = #0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Trumpet1" \header { instrument = \markup { "Trumpet 1 in B" \smaller \flat } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Tp.1" } \transpose bes c' << \transposition bes \globalIntro \trumpetOneNotesIntro >> } \mbak \score { \new Staff \transpose bes c' << \transposition bes \globalBackOne \trumpetOneNotesBackOne >> \layout { indent = #0 } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \transpose bes c' << \transposition bes \globalEnding \trumpetOneNotesEnding >> \layout { indent = #0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Trumpet2" \header { instrument = \markup { "Trumpet 2 in B" \smaller \flat } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Tp.2" } \transpose bes c' << \transposition bes \globalIntro \trumpetTwoNotesIntro >> } \mbak \score { \new Staff \transpose bes c' << \transposition bes \globalBackTwo \trumpetTwoNotesBackTwo >> \layout { indent = #0 } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \transpose bes c' << \transposition bes \globalEnding \trumpetTwoNotesEnding >> \layout { indent = #0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Trumpet3" \header { instrument = \markup { "Trumpet 3 in B" \smaller \flat } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Tp.3" } \transpose bes c' << \transposition bes \globalIntro \trumpetThreeNotesIntro >> } \mbak \score { \new Staff \transpose bes c' << \transposition bes \globalBackThree \trumpetThreeNotesBackThree >> \layout { indent = #0 } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \transpose bes c' << \transposition bes \globalEnding \trumpetThreeNotesEnding >> \layout { indent = #0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Trumpet4" \header { instrument = \markup { "Trumpet 4 in B" \smaller \flat } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Tp.4" } \transpose bes c' << \transposition bes \globalIntro \trumpetFourNotesIntro >> } \mbak \score { \new Staff \transpose bes c' << \transposition bes \globalBackFour \trumpetFourNotesBackFour >> \layout { indent = #0 } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \transpose bes c' << \transposition bes \globalEnding \trumpetFourNotesEnding >> \layout { indent = #0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Trombone1" \header { instrument = \markup { "Trombone 1" } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Tb.1" } << \globalIntro \clef bass \trombonePartsIntroBreak \tromboneOneNotesIntro >> } \mbak \score { \new Staff << \globalBackOne \clef bass \tromboneOneNotesBackOne >> \layout { indent = #0 } } \mnil \score { \new Staff << \globalEnding \clef bass \tromboneOneNotesEnding >> \layout { indent = #0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Trombone2" \header { instrument = \markup { "Trombone 2" } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Tb.2" } << \globalIntro \clef bass \trombonePartsIntroBreak \tromboneTwoNotesIntro >> } \mbak \score { \new Staff << \globalBackTwo \clef bass \tromboneTwoNotesBackTwo >> \layout { indent = #0 } } \mnil \score { \new Staff << \globalEnding \clef bass \tromboneTwoNotesEnding >> \layout { indent = #0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Trombone3" \header { instrument = \markup { "Trombone 3" } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Tb.3" } << \globalIntro \clef bass \trombonePartsIntroBreak \tromboneThreeNotesIntro >> } \mbak \score { \new Staff << \globalBackThree \clef bass \tromboneThreeNotesBackThree >> \layout { indent = #0 } } \mnil \score { \new Staff << \globalEnding \clef bass \tromboneThreeNotesEnding >> \layout { indent = #0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Trombone4" \header { instrument = \markup { "Trombone 4" } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Tb.4" } << \globalIntro \clef bass \trombonePartsIntroBreak \tromboneFourNotesIntro >> } \mbak \score { \new Staff << \globalBackFour \clef bass \tromboneFourNotesBackFour >> \layout { indent = #0 } } \mnil \score { \new Staff << \globalEnding \clef bass \tromboneFourNotesEnding >> \layout { indent = #0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Guitar" \header { instrument = \markup { "Guitar" } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Gt." } << \globalIntro \clef "treble_8" \guitarNotesIntro >> } \mnil \score { \new Staff << \globalEnding \clef "treble_8" \guitarNotesEnding >> \layout { indent = #0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Piano" \header { instrument = \markup { "Piano" } } \mnil \score { \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Pi." } << \new Staff = "piRH" << \globalIntro \pianoNotesRHIntro >> \new Staff = "piLH" << \globalIntro \clef bass \pianoNotesLHIntro >> >> } \mnil \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "piRH" << \globalEnding \pianoNotesRHEnding >> \new ChordNames { \pianoChordsEnding } \new Staff = "piLH" << \globalEnding \clef bass \pianoNotesLHEnding >> >> \layout { indent = #0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Bass" \header { instrument = \markup { "Bass" } } \mnil \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Bas." } << \globalIntro \clef bass \bassNotesIntro >> } \mnil \score { << \new ChordNames { \bassChordsEnding } \new Staff << \globalEnding \clef bass \bassNotesEnding >> >> \layout { indent = #0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Perc" \header { instrument = \markup { "Percussion" } } \mnil \score { \new DrumStaff \with { instrumentName = "Perc." } << \globalIntro \percNotesIntro >> } \mnil \score { \new DrumStaff << \globalEnding \percNotesEnding >> \layout { indent = #0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Drums" \header { instrument = \markup { "Drums" } } \mnil \score { \new DrumStaff \with { instrumentName = "Dr." } << \globalIntro \drumNotesIntro >> } \mnil \score { \new DrumStaff << \globalEnding << \drumCuesEnding \\ \drumNotesEnding >> >> \layout { indent = #0 } } }